Sleeping in has a delicious freshness to it, especially when outside. As long as you haven’t woken to the sun beating down on your canvas threatening to steam you like rice in bamboo. It will always beat the anal-retentive neighbour and his lawn mower on the weekend. Under the remarkable shade of our own palms, […]
Month: February 2018
I’ll be your shelter baby…
Just as any point of a Three Corner Jack (noun: Emex australis …a nasty prickle) will hurt, there are three elements to camping and each are as potent as the other. Food, Shelter, Safety. In Food for Thought I introduced my casual food obsession and how it is often translated into quick, clean(ish) and easy […]
rlhydn_overland on replay
Rlhydn_Overland /’Rel-hide-den/ 🔉 noun: Full-time funded weekend wanderer with a habit of sleeping on the ground in remote or isolated locations. Long distance annual or biannual migratory behaviour. Carnivorous diet as well as charred corn and other colourful vegetables. Urban lures include sparkling mineral water, peanut butter and Netflix… We’re now on YouTube Click HERE for our collective video showcasing […]
Stuck in the middle with you: Part X
After the wonder of Omiston Gorge, we rolled the swag and headed out. A Kings Canyon our intension. We had no real expectations or planning other than potential free camp with a view on the way in, else the sister resort to Yulara situated closer to the royal canyon. The country opens and the jump […]