Craving some salty canvas therapy, we loaded the Oztent and swimmers and headed to the Coast. Considering the undecided shoulder season, we thought our chance of a beachfront camp slim, but possible. The turn off for Termeil Point Camping Area in the Meroo National Park is a strange hairpin, no signage, straight off the highway. […]
camping and fishing
Trip Report: Hillclimbs and Huts (Finale)
In the low light of the thick canopy, we were inspecting the map, the time, and our sooty faces. We made a snap decision to check out Mansfield. Following the main road, we travelled fairly easy. This region was old, but seemed less wild. Finding a funny pagoda hut we realised we were in a […]
Weekend: Yadboro Flats, Pidgeon House, Hyams Beach
Claim a beachfront bush camp on the south coast. Our mission; Friday night Impossible. That’s how we ended up at Yaboro Flats camping area, for a humid, but unplugged weekend away. We have camped at Yadboro Flats before, so after finding the beach well and truly occupied we turned tail and headed west. A large […]
Be Prepared (tea addiction is real)
Being prepared for the unexpected is as important as planning for a long distance trip, in particular if you’re aiming for remote, striving for self sufficiency or minimising your onroad costs. The unexpected can blow out your budget or GVM, or both. A part of our learning process, present tense, as the unexpected can present […]
Evenflow: Wollondilly River Station
Last minute write up for a last minute camp out. We caught up with Luke and Kaito from Drifta and a few other like minded Drifta fans for an inpromptu weekend stay at Wollondilly River Station, I had never visited and was excited to camp somewhere new. Wollondilly River Station is a privately run camping […]