Campsite Review: Newnes, NSW

We have been weekending in Newnes for years. Leaving work on Friday already packed. Shooting up and over the Blue Mountains, the Oztent is up and dinner is cooking in no time. Accessible, beautiful and cathartic. The ABC of easy camping.  The flora and fauna of the cliffs and canyons, have taken the Shale mine settlement back. Now, weekend campfires trail their signals […]

Weekend: Border Run (Part 1)

A four day weekend and an appetite for new horizons. That was how we ended up at the Queensland border. Creamy riverland bulldust in the rear view, stoic gums filtering the hot, summer sun. We had a couple of days off scheduled, with adventurous plans to find somewhere new to stake out the swag. But, […]

Caves to Closed

Sometimes spontaneity conflicts with best laid plans or preparation that usually adorns a spot of overlanding. But in our opinion, that’s precisely what weekends are for. Recently we threw the swag on the roof, fridge in the back, and scooted off towards Oberon. Without so much as prerequisite research or notice. Our old favourite Boiling Billy’s […]